Unplanned and necessary treatment within state-provided public healthcare in another EU/EEA state. The refund application is simple and easy. You did pay for medical services abroad? Get a refund under EHIC rules. It is easy to make a claim with our unplanned treatment refund form.
FAQ: EHIC refund for treatment in Europe
Does EHIC cover private clinics?
If you received your treatment in a private clinic you might need to use a different form, please read our detailed explanation prior to submitting an unplanned treatment refund form.
What treatments you can receive with your EHIC?
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you the right to access medically necessary, state-provided public healthcare in another EU/EEA state. Treatment provided is under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in the country’s treatment received. EHIC gives you access to healthcare only during a temporary stay.
How can I apply for a refund after paying for treatment abroad?
The easiest way is to use our refund application form. You will have to provide all the required information and a copy of the documents. After submission, we will check all the submitted information and repair all required documents to be submitted to the HSE.
The HSE will send an E126 form to the health authorities in the country where you had your emergency or necessary treatment. Responsible authorities in the country of treatment will confirm:
- If your treatment received was done within a public health service system
- The level of refund HSE will pay you
- If medical treatment received abroad was private health care, you won’t be able to access it via the EHIC route, but still can be refunded via other routes.
What happens if you do not have EHIC?
You did not have an EHIC card at the time of treatment? Clinic in the EU/EEA did not accept your EHIC? You still can claim back medical expenses after you have paid for your treatment. You can make a claim if you have not paid for your treatment.
If your treatment was done in a private clinic please fill in our private treatment refund form.